Life with Full Attention

Life with Full Attention

Eight week Course. Every Tuesday 7-9pm

30/04 till 18/06 2024

Everyone is warmly welcome  

No prior knowledge of either Buddhism or Meditation is required for this course 

Includes the book Life with Full attention by Maitreyabandhu which will be provided on the first evening.

In this eight-week course on mindfulness, you will be guided through a series of exercises that help you to pay closer attention to your everyday experiences. Life With Full Attention provides a great starting point for Buddhist teachings on mindfulness and a great refresher.

Find out about the free app that accompanies the book.

Booking is needed, please click on the Book now button at the bottom of the page

the book is written by Maitreyabandhu, the course is lead by Āryasāra and friends. 

Book Now: £65

Please do contact us if you are not in a position to give the suugested amount of Dāna

Already Paid a Deposit? Pay Balance Now


Date Topic
30 April 2024 Week 1 - Day to Day mindfulness
7 May 2024 Week 2 - Body
14 May 2024 Week 3 - Feelings
21 May 2024 Week 4 - Mind
28 May 2024 Week 5 - Bringing the Teaching to Mind
4 June 2024 Week 6 - Nature and Art
11 June 2024 Week 7 - Other people
18 June 2024 Week 8 - Insight

The Team
