Wednesday Dharma Night in person only

Wednesday Dharma Night in person only

The evening takes place in two halves.  In the first half, we will introduce an aspect of Buddhism with an opportunity for discussion.  After a short tea break, we explore one of two Buddhist meditations.

We offer two streams of teaching (see our Programme below):

  1. for newcomers to Buddhism, we offer a 14 week rolling Introduction Course plus led meditations.  You can join the course on any week and can go round it as many times as you like.
  2. for more experienced regulars, in a separate room, we offer teaching and discussion on an aspect of Buddhism plus meditations with little or no leading.

Classes are free but your donations are greatly appreciated. Make an online donation here


We teach two Buddhist meditation practices: Mindfulness of Breathing, for developing awareness, integration and clarity of mind; and Mettā Bhāvanā (“development of loving kindness”), which brings about a gentle but radical transformation of our emotional world. Each week we alternate between the two practices.


We introduce traditional teachings of the Buddha in a way that is accessible and practical to everyday life in the modern world. The format is usually a talk, sometimes followed by breaking into smaller groups for discussion.

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In progress
19 March 2025 — 13 August: The Brahma Viharas

Date Meditation Topic: Regulars Topic: Newcomers
19 March 2025 Mindfulness of Breathing The Brahma Viharas and Social interaction.  How to apply the Brahma Viharas in your interactions with others.  Cultivating compassion and understanding for those who hold different beliefs - Śraddhādāsa Ethics 5 – Mindfulness - Abhayavāṇī
26 March Mettā Bhāvanā Integrating the Brahma Viharas into Daily Life.  Review and setting intentions for continued practice. - Dharmavartin Meditation 1 – The System of Practice - Katrina
2 April Mindfulness of Breathing Pūjā - Katrina Meditation 2 – Balanced effort - Vanarājī
9 April Mettā Bhāvanā Eight verses for training the mind. Week 1. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Meditation 3 – The Hindrances - Saraṇālokā
16 April Mindfulness of Breathing Eight verses for training the mind. Week 2. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Wisdom 1 – Conditionality - Abhayavāṇī
23 April Mettā Bhāvanā Eight verses for training the mind. Week 3. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Wisdom 2 – The Four Noble Truths - Kṣāntivajra
30 April Mindfulness of Breathing Practice Evening - Dharmavartin Wisdom 3 – The Lakshanas - Kathryn
7 May Mettā Bhāvanā Eight verses for training the mind. Week 4. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Wisdom 4 – Karma and rebirth - Katrina
14 May Mindfulness of Breathing Eight verses for training the mind. Week 5. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Introduction to Buddhism and Triratna -
21 May Mettā Bhāvanā Eight verses for training the mind. Week 6. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Going for refuge to the three jewels -
28 May Mindfulness of Breathing Eight verses for training the mind. Week 7. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Ethics 1 – Non harm -
4 June Mettā Bhāvanā Eight verses for training the mind. Week 8. Please book online for this 8 week course. - Kṣāntivajra Ethics 2 – Generosity -
11 June Mindfulness of Breathing Ethics 3 – Contentment -
18 June Mettā Bhāvanā Ethics 4 – Wholesome speech -
25 June Mindfulness of Breathing Ethics 5 – Mindfulness -
2 July Mettā Bhāvanā Meditation 1 – The System of Practice -
9 July Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation 2 – Balanced effort -
16 July Mettā Bhāvanā Meditation 3 – The Hindrances -
23 July Mindfulness of Breathing Wisdom 1 – Conditionality -
30 July Mettā Bhāvanā Wisdom 2 – The Four Noble Truths -
6 August Mindfulness of Breathing Wisdom 3 – The Lakshanas -
13 August Mettā Bhāvanā Wisdom 4 – Karma and rebirth -
More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a Buddhist?

No, the class is suitable for everyone who wants to meditate or learn about Buddhism.

What should I wear?

There are no special requirements, just whatever is comfortable to sit in.

Do I need to book?

No - just turn up!

Is it okay to join in the middle of the series?

Absolutely. Though of course you'll get those most out of the class by attending the whole series, there's no need to wait until the start of the next series if you want to start coming.

Can I just come for the meditation?

Of course, though the meditation we teach is itself a Buddhist teaching.

How much does the class cost?

We don't charge for our classes, and the team are not paid for their time. We simply ask that those who are able to do so make a donation to the centre to help us cover our running costs.

The suggested amount, based on how many people come and how much it costs to run the centre, would be what you would pay for say a Yoga class, but this is not a fixed cost and everyone is equally welcome, even if you cannot give anything at all.

The Team
