A Sustainable Buddhist Centre
MEBC are aiming to become a Triratna Sustainable Buddhist Centre, allowing us to display the Green Buddha logo

The MEBC Trustees have set their intention for MEBC to work towards joining the Triratna Sustainable Buddhist Centre Scheme, by making the following commitment:
“The Trustees of this Buddhist Centre have agreed that they wish to make a strong commitment towards becoming a low-carbon, sustainable community. As a spiritual community we take our practice of ethics seriously and it is a consideration in all the decisions we make. The time has now come when we recognise the need to explicitly extend our practice of ethics to include a global perspective: what we consume and buy has a direct effect on communities across the globe, what we do and how we live now has a direct effect on future generations. This Centre has therefore committed to work towards each of the steps of the New Triratna Sustainable Centre Scheme”
The Triratna scheme was set up in 2014 and requires Centres to fulfil 10 sets of criteria:
MEBC Progress Traffic Lights
All Criteria Started
Work in Progress on 4 Criteria
Completed 6 Criteria
The Scheme's 10 Criteria are as follows:
1 We have measured the carbon footprint of our Centre and conducted an Energy Audit. MEBC Started (work in progress) LINK TO ENERGY AUDIT
2 We have a sustainability champion or kula reporting to the Centre Council. MEBC Completed.
3 We are moving towards being a zero carbon Centre. MEBC Started (work in progress)
4 We have taken steps to become a Fairtrade Centre. MEBC Started (work in progress)
5 We have changed the Centre’s electricity supplier to 100% Green Energy. MEBC Completed.
6 Our Centre is fully Vegan (this criteria refers to the Centre not the Sangha). MEBC Completed.
7 We are promoting public transport and car-sharing to the Centre and retreats. MEBC Completed.
8 We are moving towards a comprehensive recycling policy in the Centre. MEBC Completed LINK TO POLICY DOCUMENT
9 We are displaying this certificate proudly! MEBC Started (work in progress)
10 We take part in BAM (Buddhist Action Month) and ask our Sangha members to take on personal ‘Green Precepts'. MEBC Completed
For more detail on the scheme's criteria and how MEBC is implementing them, follow this link
If you have comment or questions please email
with a subject line of:
“FAO Eric – Sustainable MEBC”