on Zoom or in Person: continue to Achieve Your Highest Potential
Discover meditation and the study of Buddhism, and live a more integrated, kinder and fulfilling life.
See Our Classes Find out about our Buddha Tiles projectWe are a Buddhist community and charity based in Chelmsford. We offer a vision of human potential, a path of personal development and a thriving community. We regularly hear how our activities help transform people’s lives, offering inspiration, connection and meaning.
Keep Up Your Practice
We are offering in person classes in the heart of Chelmsford as well as online classes.
We are part of a worldwide Buddhist movement: The Triratna Buddhist Community.
The Classes Teams and Volunteers allow us to offer several Buddhist and meditation classes per week.
Newcomers are warmly welcome.
In the Heart of Chelmsford
The Mid Essex Buddhist Centre
70 Upper Chase, Chelmsford CM2 0BN

Give What You Can
The MEBC operates on a Dana Economy and thrives only thanks to the spirit of dāna (generosity).
We invite you to contribute what you can to help sustain our community and ensure that meditation, teachings, and retreats remain accessible to all.
Your support, no matter the amount, plays a vital role in keeping the Centre vibrant and welcoming for everyone.
Together, we can continue to flourish and offer the Dharma to all who seek it.