Eight Verses for Training The Mind
The course will run on Wednesday evenings as the Dharma Night Regulars Class for 8 weeks.
Eight verses for training the mind.
The next series on Wednesday Dharma Night evenings for regulars at the MEBC will be an in depth exploration of the eight verses of mind training.
Planned to start on the 9th April Dharma Night and run for 8 weeks.
The verses are a practice which when taken to heart, encourage us on the Bodhisattva path and give us tools to work with greed, hatred, delusion and disturbing emotions like pride and envy.
We will discuss and practice a verse each week and then put it into practice, tuning in on our experience at the start of the following week. For this reason we would like people to sign up on the website for the course. We understand that it may difficult to attend every week but ask that people sign up with the intention of attending the whole course.
There will be a booklet to accompany the series and we need to know numbers to get them printed.
This is an opportunity for regulars to develop their practice in a focused way and to share their experience and encouragement with spiritual friends.
For more information contact Ksantivajra or Vanaraji who will facilitate the series.
Ksantivajra said - ‘the verses have been my companion for over 20 years and they have helped me to find a non reactive response to situations when I’ve been fortunate enough to appreciate the ‘gap’ between feelings and craving. When I haven’t managed to do this and have responded habitually, the verses have been a tool to give me a better perspective so that I could try to do better next time!'
The MEBC operates on a Dāna Economy: Our Centre thrives only thanks to the spirit of dāna (generosity). We invite you to contribute what you can to help sustain our community and ensure that meditation, teachings, and retreats remain accessible to all. Your support, no matter the amount, plays a vital role in keeping the Centre vibrant and welcoming for everyone. Together, we can continue to flourish and offer the Dharma to all who seek it.
Please book online.