Mitra Study

Mitra Study

Every week

please contact Upekṣhādhī if interested to join a study group  

We offer Mitra Study every week in different Year groups. 
We follow the Triratna Dharma Training Course for Mitras.

IN PERSON Newcomers classes

Saturday Morning in person Foundation with Vanarājī and Saraṇālokā 8:00-10:00 Saturday (Available places, please book here to register your interest)

Saturday Morning in person Foundation 8:00-10:00 with Āryasāra & Śraddhādāsa (Class Full)

Mitra Study Book required
DownloadBuy (allow 2 weeks delivery)
The whole Mitra Study CourseMitra Study Book Year 1Mitra Study Book Year 2Mitra Study Book Year 3Mitra Study Book Year 4


ON ZOOM Advanced classes (password protected)

Saturday Morning 8:00-10:00 (MEBC1) with Upekṣhādhī, Anudayā, Dharmavartin 933 482 336

Saturday Morning 8:00-10:00 with Kṣāntivajra, Abhayavāṇī (MEBC2) 268114054

Saturday Morning 10:15-12:15 with Nandaketu (MEBC2) 178198574

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a Buddhist?

As a newcomer to buddhism, you can join our First Year programme.

Do I need to book?

Yes, please ask an order member at the centre or just contact us

How much does the class cost?

We don't charge for our classes, and the team are not paid for their time. We simply ask that those who are able to do so make a donation to the centre to help us cover our running costs.

The suggested amount, based on how many people come and how much it costs to run the centre, is £8-10 (paying once a week only, and attend as many events as you wish), but this is not a fixed cost and everyone is equally welcome, even if you cannot give anything at all.

The Team
